Tab-System Classic Written!

Tab-System Classic Written!

I finished the writing Tab-System Classic today, with the final word count being 48,700 words and totaling 65 pages of pure card-based gaming. Included in the book is a revised, setting-neutral version of the old Swords & Arrows card-based system. Also included in the appendices are rules for running the game set in TrystellThe Zeotis, as well as the Antarctic Expedition campaign we played that crossed Arth with Nexus Endtime.

From here the game goes into open editing. The PDF is available for all to download and take a look at. Please point out any typos or other problems to me and I will put in the edits. Also feel free to playtest the game and give me feedback to tweak the rules if needed. Sometime after the end of the month I will move the game out of editing and it will enter the publishing phase, appearing in our online store.

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