First Quarter 2008 Tab Update

First Quarter 2008 Tab Update

As you read this work on Tab-System Classic nears completion. The book is almost all put together, The only parts remaining really are the bestiary and the appendix. It ought to be available on the site in PDF by the end of February, when I plan to open it up for beta testing. Please, check it out then. Point out typos. Run a one-shot and give feedback. The more the better, and the better we can make the final version of game when it is printed up. (Print copies surely will be available by the summer trip to Manhattan.)

Meanwhile, Tab-System Neo has had two more test sessions here, from which I have collected quite a bit of useful feedback, and the evolution of the game continues. I still aim to have it fully written in draft by the summer, leaving the last half of the year open to play-testing it sanding off all the rough edges before it hopefully sees print around the end of the year.

I will only work on writing two books at a time. Currently it is Tab-Classic and Tab-Neo. With the upcoming completion of Tab-Classic, however, I am looking to the future, and the next thing on the agenda is Trystell Reborn. Work on it has slowed down since the Tab 15th Party, but we have a number of ideas still being brought up and kicking around on the forums. Sometime between getting Tab-Classic into editing and the summer trip I hope to compile a "Trystell Revised Notes" document. It will lay out in outline form what we have decided on, what we haven't yet and the direction we're going. Then, over the summer, we can have a big decision meeting and go through the document finalizing things. I hope to be able to do this in person, but if we don't have quorum back in Manhattan, we have have to extend it online as well. After this meeting I can begin writing the Trystell Reborn book in earnest.

Projecting father out into the more hypothetical future, once Tab-Neo is finalized in print I would like to get around to releasing setting booklets (perhaps not full-fledged books) on Arth, the Zeotis and Nexus Endtime settings. I also have been giving some thought into a "The Aggression of Licad" revision and where that might go within the new Trystell Reborn framework. That is all.

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