The New Tablog

The New Tablog

Welcome to the new Tab Creations Collective webpage, including this: the new Tablog. You may remember the old "Tablog" feature we had ages ago back in the hayday of Dark Ages. Well, this is the new Tablog. It's something of a log where all of you Collective members can post things to get the attention of the rest of the Collective. And it will appear on the front page, where it's easily visible. It can also be used as a long or journal of things one might be doing of interest to the rest of the Collective. So make use of it every once and a while. I personally plan to use it for logging bits and pieces of what I've done in Tab development... things that might not normally merit a whole forum thread.

You should all have accounts already made. PM or IM me for your password. Otherwise I'll PM you.

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