Jovian Whispers: Week 7

Jovian Whispers: Week 7

We continue to make progress on Jovian Whispers. Surveys for Kickstarter backers close tomorrow and card will be charged. Writing progresses on the final three One-Sheet Scenarios. We're also making good progress proofing the campaign and only waiting on one final piece of art. And, although it is not Kickstarter-related, our July Patreon adventure, Escape From Prison Isle, has been editing and is waiting on its final proofing pass.

This upcoming week we plan to make more proofing progress on Jovian Whispers. We also plan to finish proofing Escape From Prison Isle and the Sol System Poster Map. Finally, we'd ideally like to move another of the One-Sheet Scenarios from writing to editing, but that may slip a week, depending on how much more time the various proofing efforts take.

Here is where everything currently stands:


  • Jovian Epilogue document
  • System Hacks document

Writing / Art Production

  • One-Sheet Scenario #2
  • One-Sheet Scenario #3
  • One-Sheet Scenario #4

Art Direction

  • Jovian Whispers campaign and sourcebook


  • Sol System poster map
  • Escape From Prison Isle scenario (July Patreon release)

Queued for Release

  • Trouble on Jackral V (One-Sheet Scenario #1)

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