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Arrrgh… I'd forgotten how frustrating looking for a job is. >_<
Anybody in Manhappenin have suggestions on where I should apply?
I think you should move to Lawrence!
I second that motion.
Arrrgh… I'd forgotten how frustrating looking for a job is. >_<
Anybody in Manhappenin have suggestions on where I should apply?

How about the place that's there now where Sykes used to be? Or the mailbox plant?
I know the mail box plant is hiring skilled labor…they've been running ads on the radio for the last month.

Or you can hold out till bestbuy is done…
Auth Florence sucks. It's all assembly work. I guess you can listen to headphones, though.
Auth Florence sucks. It's all assembly work. I guess you can listen to headphones, though.

man, fuck Auth Florence. Apparently, they didn't ‘need’ my skills at the time.

I'm down with Mercury, try to get a job at Best Buy.

Go best buy, go best buy, go best buy, go!!!
I worked at Auth. I didn't mind the job, but I was in Fab, not in Assembly. No skill required - put metal in, punch, take part out. I actually would have been promoted to lead within two months of starting there, but they knew I had to leave at the end of the summer. Har har!
BBY is one of the worst jobs ever.
BBY is one of the worst jobs ever.

BBY? Best BuY?
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