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Thought some of you would enjoy todays (6th) real life comic:

I did.
Odd… But what's a Call Girl Card?
From context, I would guess that it's like a business card for call girls - they are handed out and advertise the girl, listing various “assets” and giving contact information. Most likely has a picture of them, too.

By the way, I *heart* the comic. I'm going through the archives now.
From context, I would guess that it's like a business card for call girls - they are handed out and advertise the girl, listing various “assets” and giving contact information. Most likely has a picture of them, too.

By the way, I *heart* the comic. I'm going through the archives now.

I used to follow Real Life. Haven't for a couple years, though.
Real Life is one of the few webcomics I actually follow. I lurvs it.
My Webcomics:
Girl Genius
Joe LOVES Crappy Movies
Rob and Elliot
Joe and Monkey
You'll Have That
Order of the Stick
Theater Hopper
The Unfeasible Adventures of Beaver and Steve
The Princess Planet
Penny and Aggie
Sluggy Freelance
and now Real Life
I still regularly follow:
Scary Go Round
Questionable Content
Irregular Webcomic

There are a bunch of others I check occasionally, but don't read every day.
Yeah, I don't check all of those daily. I catch up on Sluggy about once per month. A lot of those comics are only weeklies, so I don't check them that often.
don't forget about orneryboy!
don't forget about orneryboy!

Haven't read that in ages.
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