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The first episode finally been fansubbed, looking forward to the second. Anyone else?
The first episode finally been fansubbed, looking forward to the second. Anyone else?
I think you are behind because I'm sure there are two groups that have released ep 2 so far.
Why did you make 3 separate topics, one for each series, when it would have been a lot less annoying to make one topic for all 3? Not mad or anything, or even calling you annoying. Just pointing it out for future reference.

And I haven't seen any of the three series you asked about.
Why did you make 3 separate topics, one for each series, when it would have been a lot less annoying to make one topic for all 3? Not mad or anything, or even calling you annoying. Just pointing it out for future reference.

And I haven't seen any of the three series you asked about.

I'm obsessive compulsive like that.

And perhaps you should start. ^^
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