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Root » Tab Games Forum » [SOS] Starship Deckplans?
Tom B
Just curious. Does anyone have a good source of free or affordable spaceship deckplans? A lot of the ones out there seem more specific to FTL type ships. I've found a few, but am always on the lookout for more.
I don't know about specific ship deck plans myself but there is a really good walkthrough on designing realistic ships here:
Tom B
Interesting. Thanks!
Tom B
Just curious. Does anyone have a good source of free or affordable spaceship deckplans? A lot of the ones out there seem more specific to FTL type ships. I've found a few, but am always on the lookout for more.

I wish I knew of a good source for this. I've done quite a bit of googling and haven't turned up anything that is a particularly good fit. As a consequence, when running games online, I mostly either just sketch something out or grab a starship map that's isn't that great of a fit and crop it down to where if you squint hard enough it kinda-sorta works.

Sorry. Wish I had a better answer.
Tom B
I've generally been able to make Traveler plans work. I just tell the players, “No, that's not a jump drive.” Everything else works okay. I also have some from the Zaon RPG project that never launched but resulted in some awesome deck plans.
I wonder if this means we need a supplement with some additional deck plans? Perhaps a future Patreon release or something.
Tom B
I'd buy it…
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