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That's a fair amount of difference.
So apparently the verdict is in about 4e and d20's new licensing. To make a long story short, 3rd part publishers (like us) will be divided into one of two classifications: Grade A publishers and Grade B publishers.

Grade A publishers have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and fork over a one-time fee of $5000 to Wizards of the Coast. For this they will get advance copies of 4e (Next Month) and the ability to publish 4e materials starting in August of this year.

Grade B publishers pay nothing, but still have to register with Wizards of the Coast. They won't get access to the 4e SRD until June, and cannot publish any 4e material until January of next year.

Apparently the new SRD won't be a pretty-much-complete system like it is now. It will just be a set of rules guidelines. So you can kiss goodbye rules reference sites like The new license will include that all published materials require the D&D player's handbook (so no complete standalone games) and a “decency” clause (no pr0n or other stuff that might offend Wizards).

There currently are no plans to halt publishing on the old d20 license (for 3.5 material) but that possibility remains open for the future.
So… can remain as a 3.5 site, then, you're saying.
So… can remain as a 3.5 site, then, you're saying.

It can… at least until either Wizards pulls the old d20 license or until the site's admin decides to take it down (which… I don't know the guy… he may keep it up as long as possible, or he may take it down after 3.5 is no longer popular… I'm not sure…)
…and a “decency” clause (no pr0n or other stuff that might offend Wizards).

So… No 4e Book of Vile Darkness or Book of Erotic Fantasy?!? :shock:
*Weeps quietly for this new “decency”*
Whatever will Rando DO?!?
Well, D&D4e will be out in a couple months. It looks really different./ Kind of like an MMO or an anime. All classes have powers that recharge with time and that they use. Like fighters get “martial powers” that knock enemies back or across the battlefield with their swords.
Diablo II. That reminds me of Diablo II.
Wow. We're not the only one who isn't doing D&D 4e. Thus far just about every major d20 publisher has rejected 4e's GSL, due to the stuff it contains.
So I hear.

From you.

Standing behind me right now.

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