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Or that a certain admin (read me) set a substitute word for the f-word so that, whenever the forums find that word, they substitute “Al Gore”. I find it odd it took so long to notice. I mean, that was MONTHS ago. That was one of the first things I did as an admin.
Or that a certain admin (read me) set a substitute word for the f-word so that, whenever the forums find that word, they substitute “Al Gore”. I find it odd it took so long to notice. I mean, that was MONTHS ago. That was one of the first things I did as an admin.
Shows how often these forums get extensive profanity.
And knowing is half the battle.

Anyway, yeah, it's not like it's used much, except in the case of invasions of bots, but I thought it was a funny substitute. Seems I was right, since you guys thought that the Al Gore invasion was funny.
Seriously, man. What the Al Gore were you thinking? I nearly had to bleach my brain.
There was a post awhile back that Safa made which referenced “Al Gore” in it a few times; therefore, leading me to believe that Safa was trying to make the name “Al Gore” more popular or something.

Something like, "You really Al Gore that up.
It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man!

What was I thinking? I was thinking it would be funny. And I was right. At least, I'M highly amused. :wink:
The one-armed man is a minotaur… who hangs out in the fields being a bandit.
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