Announcing the Tab Creations Patreon!

Announcing the Tab Creations Patreon!

Ever since we first released Against the Dark Yogi and Shadows Over Sol, one thing we’ve heard time and time again from fans is that they want to see more published adventures and other game supplements.

This is great! However, the challenge for us has been that supplements and published adventures tend not to sell as well as content that comes bundled with a core game. If we’re to create adventures and other supplements, we need a budget where we can afford to pay our artists, editors and authors a fair wage for their work.

If you like Shadows Over Sol or Against the Dark Yogi and want to see more support in the future, with published adventures and other supplements, you should check out our Patreon!

Our plan is to release an adventure or other short supplement for either Against the Dark Yogi or Shadows Over Sol every two to three months. When we publish more Saga Machine games in the future, we may add supplements for them to the mix as well.

Our target length for each of these supplements is 32 pages or more. Backers will receive both a PDF copy of the supplement, as well as the option to order a print copy “at cost,” meaning at the minimal price required to print the book. Later we will make these supplements available on DriveThruRPG, but Patreon backers will get them first and get them at a lower price point.

This is how we plan to fund future supplements for our game lines, because it helps us gauge interest in different concepts, and gives us a better estimate on what our final production budget should be. This also means we can afford to pay our artists, writers and editors a fair wage for their work.

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